“Pupils, including those in the Sixth Form, are proud to be part of this school. Staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and effort. Pupils recognise that his is because their teachers want them to do well. Pupils work hard and know that this is helping them to succeed.”
Ofsted, March 2020
We are extremely proud of our Sixth Form which commits itself to excellence and is built upon collaboration between our staff, you as a student and your family. This means we are committed to listening and responding to you in meaningful ways to ensure you feel a part of and can contribute to shaping the Sixth Form community.
We enable all students to thrive by providing an inclusive learning environment, comprehensive pastoral support, diverse enrichment opportunities, excellent careers guidance and small class sizes.
Post-16 studies are one of the most formative and life-defining stages of education and it is both a responsibility and a privilege to guide our young people through these incredibly important years. Through pursuing the highest standards, both academically and personally, we aim to develop you to reach your full potential and foster your growth into a successful, resilient and self-assured young adult.
We are confident that by choosing us as your Sixth Form you will have a rewarding, challenging and life-enhancing experience that will prepare you effectively for your future.
Katie Jones
Head of Sixth Form and Assistant Principal
The Nottingham Emmanuel School