
Sixth Form Code of Conduct

To enable students to reach their full potential, it is imperative they have high expectations of themselves whilst attending the NES Sixth Form. We recognise that Key Stage 5 studies can be demanding and challenging and require the very highest standards to stay motivated across the duration of your courses. To prepare you for the demands of your studies it is important to have an agreement between staff and students to enable all learners to thrive. The purpose of this agreement is positive as it intends to:

  • Enable students be the very best version of themselves
  • Promotes perseverance to meet the demands of Sixth Form studies
  • Builds confidence to enable students to succeed and reach their full potential
  • Promotes success and the best possible outcomes for all students

As a Sixth Form we want to celebrate and promote the outstanding work and determination of many of our students. Praise, recognition and rewards will always come first and we aim to publicly reward those students who have gone the ‘extra mile’ and demonstrated the following:

  • Academic excellence
  • Outstanding progress
  • Excellent attendance
  • Leadership in action
  • Service award
  • Kindness award

To enable students to reach their potential we are introducing a Sixth Form Learning Contract. This is an opportunity to remind all stakeholders in a student’s education what their individual and collective responsibilities are. It is essential that everyone does their best to ensure these responsibilities are met; this will enable every student to thrive and reach their full potential academically and personally.

Parents/Carers: I/we will:

  • Discuss with my child their work in school, providing support as necessary and appropriate.
  • Keep in contact with school concerning my child’s progress and welfare and keep the school informed of all relevant and current issues which may impact on progress/welfare.
  • Support the school with regards to its policies on dress code, attendance to lessons and our enrichment programme.
  • Not take family holidays during term time.
  • Encourage personal responsibility and learning independence.

School: We will provide:

  • Outstanding teaching that further develops knowledge and skills to enable all students to fulfil their academic potential.
  • Guidance about course options.
  • Opportunities for students to contribute to the life and culture of the school as a whole.
  • Diverse enrichment opportunities.
  • Safe and secure learning environment.
  • Effective student voice that listens, and responds appropriately, to student suggestions, concerns and ideas.
  • Support and guidance in relation to progression beyond the Sixth Form into higher education, work-based training or employment.
  • A service which is supportive of a student’s academic progress and personal welfare, providing access to additional outside support and relevant agencies where appropriate.

Student: I will:

  • Exercise personal responsibility and work co-operatively with staff in pursuit of a positive Sixth Form culture.
  • Observe and abide by the requirements of the Sixth Form dress code.
  • Wear my lanyard at all times around school.
  • Contribute to the ‘life’ of the school as a whole.
  • Accept the need to act as an appropriate role model for students in Years 7 to 11.
  • Attend registration and Act of Worship as required.
  • Attend all lessons unless there is a genuine reason for absence.
  • Meet all deadlines for work set.
  • Not take holidays (including music festivals) during term time.
  • Inform Sixth Form of planned absence by completing an Absence Request Form.
  • Be prepared to use study periods to undertake private study.
  • Use the Study Hub, Library and other private study facilities in an appropriate manner.
  • Treat the premises with respect.
  • Only use phones and headphones in the Study Hub, Sixth Form Library and supervised study rooms.
  • Adhere to general Sixth Form rules and procedures.
  • Work hard to achieve my potential.

Where a student misbehaves in lessons or a study space it will be logged on Go4Schools and the school behaviour and escalation system will be used to address the misbehaviour:

Warning 1: Any behaviour that prevents learning, students are given a warning and a chance to correct their behaviour.

Warning 2 (-1 on Go4Schools): If students repeat their behaviour or demonstrate other behaviours that prevent learning students will be given a second warning and asked to stay behind or meet the teacher/ staff member at an alternative time to reflect upon their actions. Staff may issue additional work to catch up on due to disruptive behaviour.

Negative Point (-3 on Go4Schools): Students will receive a Negative Point if they demonstrate behaviour which prevents learning for a third time. The teacher will contact home and a compulsory 1-hour after school catch-up session will be set with the Sixth Form Team on Wednesday from 3.10-4.10pm.

All behaviour issues will be logged and tracked on Go4Schools and if students accumulate 10 negative points in a half-term they will have a meeting with the Sixth Form Year Leader and be placed on a behaviour contract and will be required to attend the maximum amount of supervised study periods. If students are unable to fulfil the requirements of the behaviour contract they will be removed from their lessons.

Where a student has attendance or punctuality issues the school system will be used to address the issues. However, if a student is late to school or lesson 3 times in a half-term they will attend a compulsory 1-hour after school catch-up session with the Sixth Form Team on Wednesday from 3:00-4:00pm.

If students persistently fail to adhere to the code of conduct they will have a parent/ carer meeting with the Head of Sixth Form and be moved onto a learning contract. Students will be required to attend the maximum amount of supervised study periods.

Dress Code

We expect students at NES Sixth Form to dress appropriately for studying in a professional environment. Students are required to dress professionally and appropriately as role models and ambassadors for NES and to effectively prepare them for future employment.

The objectives of our dress code are to:

  • Prepare students for employment
  • Ensure that all members of the Sixth Form dress appropriately for an educational and professional setting
  • Set high standards as role models for Year 7-11 students and to maintain NES’ excellent reputation in the wider community
  • Ensure clothing does not cause offence or make some members of the community feel uncomfortable

Please avoid:

  • Revealing, low cut or cropped tops.
  • Tube or body-con outfits that are ‘skin tight’
  • Underwear on display
  • Hats, hoods and caps in the building
  • Phones or headphones anywhere in the building apart from the Study Hub, Sixth Form Library and supervised study rooms
  • Clothing with political and/ or offensive slogans
  • Inappropriately short skirts, shorts or cycling shorts

In all cases regarding acceptability of dress, the decision of the Head of Sixth Form is final – students will be asked to return home and change if their dress is not deemed appropriate. In all matters relating to dress code we hope to work positively with students to ensure they understand how to dress appropriately for a working environment.

Contact Us

The Nottingham Emmanuel School
Gresham Park Road
West Bridgford
Tel: 0115 977 5380

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The Nottingham Emmanuel Sixth Form